eBooks, eAudio & eMagazines
Libby, by OverDrive
LAMB, provided by New Castle Library District for libraries in Lawerence, Armstrong, Mercer and Butler counties, includes over 30,000 electronic titles. eBooks, eAudios, and eMagazines are available with selections for all ages. Access to additional titles is made available through our partner libraries.
Browse the eMediaLibrary and check out with your GCCL library card
Borrow up to ten titles for up to 14 days
Place up to five holds
Use your GCCL library card to borrower titles from four partner libraries: Crawford County Federated Library System, Erie County Public Library, Oil Creek Library District, and Seneca District Libraries
Access LAMB on your android, Amazon Fire (2020 or later) or iOS device with the Libby App
​Download the Libby App
Getting Started with Libby (video training)
Getting Started with Libby (basic instructions for GCCL card holders)
Cricket Media Collection
eBooks on EBSCOhost provided by PA Power Library
Select from over 16,000 eBooks from the world's leading publishers across all major subject areas. Perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online. Additionally, you may download selected eBooks to portable devices.
Browse eBooks on EBSCOhost with your GCCL library card
Cricket Media Collection provided by PA Power Library
This collection includes hundreds of e-books from renowned family publisher Cricket Media. It can help build strong literacy skills in students from grades pre-K to 8 by offering digital access to award-winning, short-form fiction and nonfiction titles. This unique e-book collection explores a wide range of subjects to help young readers explore and expand their worlds.
Browse Cricket Media Collection with your GCCL library card
Gale eBooks
Gale eBooks provided by PA Power Library
Explore encyclopedias, specialized reference resources, and e-books on a variety of topics from biography, diversity, environment, equity, government, history, law, math, science and more!
Browse Gale eBooks with your GCCL library card
ProQuest eBook Central
ProQuest eBook Central provided by PA Power Library
This resource includes 112 titles on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cover subjects such as business, education, fine arts, history, political science, social science, juvenile literature, and sports and recreation.
Browse ProQuest eBook Central with your GCCL library card
Science Reference eBook Collection
Science Reference eBook Collection provided by PA Power Library
Explore science from over 230 full-text eBooks! This collection of reference titles covers a wide variety of topics such as animals, biology, climate change, computing, engineering, experiments, life science, nature, oceans, physical science, and weather.
Browse Science Reference eBook Collection with your GCCL library card